Peer support offers a more focused social interaction with a group of likeminded individuals sharing knowledge, experience and practical help with each other. Groups help their members feel more knowledgeable, confident and happy. They are known to help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

  • provides a more focused, personal interaction in a group of up to 6 people, with 1 or 2 members opting to take a level of organisational responsibility
  • groups have a private Slack channel within WP&UP
  • usually organised around fortnightly meetings where each member has a period of time to talk followed by help, support & suggestions from the other members
  • meetings usually conclude with members setting a goal for the next period
  • between meetings members can post into the channel providing ongoing support


If you would like to volunteer as a Peer group organiser, suggest a group, or register to join a group then please email support